This is one of those surveys that floats around on myspace and facebook, but it was aimed at married couples and amused me, so I thought I'd go with it...
What are your middle names?
Mine is Danielle and his is James. Although, if you were to ask him what TJ stands for, he'd probably tell you Thomas Jefferson, just because he's amused by how many people actually believe him. It's these silly little things about him that strangely make me love him.
How long have you been together?
Married 2 years on Monday and together 6 1/2 years.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I met him at the surf shop I was working at in December of '01, but we didn't go out for the first time till November of '02. Just a solid year of intense flirting.
Who asked whom out?
He asked me. I absolutely refused to be the one to make the first move, much to the dismay of several people. I felt pretty strongly that if he was interested in me enough it was the least he could do :)
How old are each of you?
For these short few months he's 29 and I'm 28. I revel in these few months ;)
Whose siblings do you see the most?
We're both one of two siblings and his brother unfortunately passed away a few years ago. My sister lives nearby, so we see her on a regular basis.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Ugh. Probably finances? I put a question mark because we don't really fight about them in the traditional sense. It's just a tough, uncomfortable time in life with lots of bills and never "enough" income. We stress about it together (me more than him).
Did you go to the same school?
No mam. I went to Liberty University in VA and graduated in '01. He got his aa at Santa Fe' CC in Gainesville and then went to Florida State Fire College. I think he finished all that up in '00.
Are you from the same home town?
Close. Although we're both from out of state, I essentially grew up in Boca Raton and he in Coconut Creek. I'm originally from CA and he's from IL.
Who is smarter?
We're smart in completely different ways. I tend to be more on the book-smart side while he's got me beat in the street smarts category. Frankly, though, I don't think I could do what he does for a living - for many reasons - but one definitely being the intelligence level it takes for all of the medical knowledge. It'll be interesting to see the mix Leta gets.
Who is the most sensitive?
Wow. Without even a hint of hesitation, me. That's all that needs to be said there.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
It's hard to say, as we don't have one favorite place. I'd probably say, when it comes down to it, it's Thai Sushi Express in Deerfield. Awesome, awesome sushi, hands down, every time.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
France. Amazing.
Who has the craziest exes?
I think I probaby win this one, although, he's has some winners in his past too. I think I'm the only one with a certifiable psychopath though. Lucky me.
Who has the worst temper?
Neither of us has a really hot temper, and the things that get under our skin are completely different. I'm probably more easily annoyed and I tend to stay irritated longer. He gets more upset, when he gets upset, but gets over it sooner.
Who does the cooking?
Mainly me. I enjoy it more than he does. He's kind of relegated to the grill. I also make him make all egg dishes as I always burn them. He makes a great shrimp primavera and he has a couple of other gems in his sleeve, as much as he might try to act like he doesn't.
Who is the neat-freak?
His empty cups and clothes EVERYWHERE drive me INSANE.
Who is more stubborn?
Oooo! I win, I win! (He comes in a close 2nd though)
Who hogs the bed?
TJ does what I like to call a tornado with the sheets in which he wraps them all around his legs and then proceeds to sleep in the middle of the bed. It's not appreciated.
Who wakes up earlier?
TJ for sure. Usually just because he has too, but I love me some sleeping in.
Where was your first date?
We went out for sushi, then to a dive bar with some of his friends. It was great.
Who is more jealous?
I guess me, although I wouldn't consider myself to be a jealous-type person in general.
How long did it take to get serious?
We were more or less serious from the beginning. We had a first date and then a full-blown relationship that started the next day and never ended. There was never talk of seeing other people or not spending most of our time together. I was sure that we were meant to be from the beginning honestly.
Who eats more?
TJ. But I enjoy eating much much more. TJ could live on bologna sandwiches alone. g.r.o.s.s.
Who does the laundry?
I do mine. He does his. Equal rights and responsibilities in this household.
Who's better with the computer?
Neither of us is good with the computer. We're functional. End of story.
Who drives when you are together?
Usually TJ, but not because he's better. I have spent the past 7 years of my life driving all around Florida for my job and I'm more than happy to pass the reigns over to someone else when I can.