Sunday, February 15, 2009

38 weeks

38 wks


So, I'm midway through week 38 and I'm looking at 9 days left. Finally hit that mark of feeling big and uncomfortable. I guess it was bound to happen at some point. I've been feeling crampy, like the first day of your period for a couple of days now. My mom says this is how it all starts, so we'll see. My doctor's been out of town on vacation in Tahoe for the past week and is getting back today, so the goal has been to make sure I don't go into labor until at least tonight (at the earliest). :) I've been beginning to wonder if I'll make it all the way till the 24th. Frankly, I'll be ok if I don't. I just have a few more things I need to take care of work-wise before I'm ready to be off, but I'm also so, absolutely ready to be done with this. I'm still a bit overwhelmed with the idea that I'll have a baby home with us in the next week, but I'm equally excited. I also feel like if I were to do as little as go for an aggressive walk that I might kickstart this whole thing. Let's hope. I might just be starting that regimen tomorrow morning.


Virginia said...

You still look great! I can't believe you are at the end and look that good.. 22 pounds.. HA! I hit that a month ago :) hahahhaha! So excited for you guys.. glad you're ready - we're so NOT! {hugs}

ShannonO.P said...

Thanks VA :) I can't believe we're at the end of this either! Time has gone so quickly. Long walk this a.m. did nothing but put Little Girl right to sleep. ugh. soon enough, soon enough.