Wednesday, February 18, 2009

39 weeks

No picture for this week up yet, frankly, because I was too lazy to get my stuff together and take one today. I'm anxious. Just very anxious. I want this ball to get rolling! Every moment of the day is spent wondering if that little feeling or that little poke or that new/strange sensation means that something is starting. Something that will end in my having my little girl in my arms. Ughhh. Nothing to report yet. One of my best friends and I took a 4.5 mile walk today, and this evening I was able to feel Leta moving her head around very low in my pelvis for the first time. Literally. I was able to feel her head with my hands. Clear as day. It was insane and made me instantly teary-eyed. Hopefully, this is due to all the movin' and groovin', and you know that I'll be out there tomorrow for round 2. I'd love to get this thing going naturally by the end of the weekend! Wish me luck. :)


Virginia said...

You walked 4.5 miles! I can barely walk around the block without having to stop and breathe through the Braxton hicks.. crazy! :) Can't wait to see photos of Leta - so soon!!!

ShannonO.P said...

I wish that was the case. I've had no BH this whole pregnancy. At this point, I'd kill to have a contraction! lol